Photos 攝影

Images of the places we've been and people we've met

Art 藝廊

Landscapes, people, and fantasy art in soft pastel, graphite, alkyd and colored pencil

Music 音樂

Original compositions and recordings, with a few cover tunes for the fun of it

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Original stories, essays and poetry

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Somebody Hitched a Ride??

Click on the picture to see it full size. Apparently, our friend Theresa had a passenger on a recent climb in Yosemite. (I guess riding on her left shoulder was easier than climbing all that vertical yourself, eh, Tom?)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mysterious Corner 神秘的角落

(Click picture to enlarge 請點圖片放大)
Off the beaten path whiling finding our way to a waterfall, we found this stone "creature". Imagination took off!  My story has tiny fairies living inside it. What's yours?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

奉茶 Water Offering

It was a very hot and humid day when we hiked the so-called "Tough Guy Peak". One cannot be too picky about weather in the summer here in Taiwan. It was such a welcoming sight when we saw the poster and the big water container below it.  There're two other containers nearby. The poster says "Tea Offering".  Here "Tea" means water.  Volunteers, such as individuals, hiking clubs, students, co-workers, organized by the "Guan Yin Shan Water Carrying Team" organization, hike the tough trail providing 10 liters of filtered water for the hikers every day. What a tremendous service! What a blessing to all!

走在硬漢嶺的石階上,從頭頂流下來的汗彷彿像淋浴一般。台灣的夏天是天天熱。想出門接觸大自然的話就不能挑剔。我們一階一階的往上走,心中的“硬漢"卻一點一點的萎縮。管他硬不硬漢,7-11 在那裡? 好不容易走到快接近山頂時很驚喜地看到裝水的大筒子和這個“奉茶”的海報。好感動哦!多謝那些辛苦抗水上山的大哥,大姐們。

Monday, September 17, 2012

Iguazu Falls 伊瓜蘇瀑布

(Please click picture to enlarge. 按圖片可放大。)
This was taken from the Brazil side. It is indeed Big Water. Our guide was a graduate student studying environmental laws. We had an interesting exchange on "Child Labor". I remember thinking how much we were alike in the sense that we all wanted better things for the world; we also held very different views in the definition of Child and Child Labor. We were all curious in learning others' viewpoint. It's not right or wrong, better or worse, it's simply different. I remember thinking "I've learned so much!" It was a memorable experience.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Room With A View 那拉提,新疆

This picture was taken from the hotel window. What a stroke of luck that the clouds put on a good show for us just when we walked into the room! Like many beautiful places in China, we saw the natural beauty and native culture disappearing fast as tourism blossoming. How can we learn to "play well"?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Medlicott Dome, Yosemite National Park 優勝美地

This is a great place to reflect and meditate, wouldn't you agree?


Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Do You Think? 你說呢?

I saw this interesting composition of root and rocks from a hike near Taipei 台北. I see faces, creatures, “things” ...What do you see?



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Five-Color Town 五彩城

This place is called Five-Color Town (direct translation). I see more than 5 colors. How about you? We didn't know what to expect on the way here. All we saw was desert. This went on for a couple hundred kilometers. When we turned onto a dirt road, we were still not sure what we were going to see. It was hot and dry. Not even the wild animals were out and about. All of a sudden some colors showed up. Oh, what a show! Mark and I ran up and down with silly grins on our faces for the next hour. It pays to go take a look.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Heaven on Earth 人間天堂

This place is near the border of China and Kazakhstan. It's only opened for limited access. As soon as we got out of the Toyota Land Cruiser, my feet had their own minds, my heart took flight, and Mark was nowhere to be seen. He ran towards the snow peaks in record time! If you look carefully at the photo, you can see a little white dot in the middle of the meadow. That's Mark. I was quick enough to catch him before he disappeared totally.
我們的吉普車才剛停下來,我的雙腳就不由自主的往雪峰的方向快步前進。馬克則是用飛的。 如果您仔細看相片中草原中間的白點,那就是他囖。若是我當時動作慢一點就看不到他的踪影了。
(夏塔古道-汗騰格里峰,新疆/Shiata historic trail - Khan Tengri,Xinjiang, China)

Monday, September 3, 2012

自動化牛肉麵餐廳 Beef Noodle Soup Automation

Apparently, rural Xinjiang, China, is all into automation. At least that's what the cows seem to think. In Hemu Village, there is a restaurant that serves nothing but beef noodle soup. We were amazed to see the "Food" delivered itself.
一隻牛自動走進牛肉麵餐廳。 神吧!連這他們都訓練得出來。

— at 禾木村,新疆.

A Foggy Day at Turlock 我愛霧

Turlock, California, USA
Walking in the fog has always been a spiritual experience to me. The fog only reveals what I need to see at the moment. Every step is a discovery. 我總覺得霧是有神奇力量的。它將視覺的噪音掩藏起來,讓我們專注於每一刻的驚喜。

Yosemite National Park 美國優聖美地國家公園

Yosemite National Park 美國優聖美地國家公園
Whoever did the Chinese translation did an excellent job. The Chinese name means "Exceptional Heavenly Beautiful Land". One could easily spend a couple of weeks just to sample the park. 


June Lake 好美的秋

June Lake, Sierra Nevada, California
"Even the air turns gold!" Ping exclaimed. We knew that we got to taste a piece of Heaven as we wandered in the woods where everything was full of light and magic.


Sierra Nevada, California 超美的加州東部

Sierra Nevada, California
This picture was taken on the way to Mount Whitney. Here you see the typical Sierra Nevada sky - dramatic clouds on deep blue sky. There are also a couple of Joshua trees visible behind the bush. Whenever we went there, we felt very much at home.

Coastal bush lupines 魯冰花

Coastal bush lupines 魯冰花
原本看到了黃色的魯冰花,蔚藍的海洋和天空,我心已足。不經意地與一位路人聊起,他極力推薦海邊一家小小的餐廳。我們想想何樂而不為?結果是出乎意料的棒 - 食物棒,風景棒,氣氛更棒!多出門走走。貴人等著我們呢!
For years I thought lupines only come in blue, purple or pink until the day we visited Point Reyes. The background is almost painting-like. I remember we had a wonderful meal at a rustic cafe called "Drake's Beach Cafe" right off the beach. We were told by a stranger to go there and were very glad that we did. Had we not ask the "right" person when we did, we would have missed it. Life works in the most mysterious way!

Snowshoeing 踩雪鞋去

Snowshoeing is our favorite way to visit beautiful winter wonderlands without the crowd. It's our favorite way because it's just like taking a stroll in the snow. All one needs is a pair of BIG shoes. The reward is huge! Give it a try when you get a chance. 不像滑雪,雪鞋不需要任何技巧。我們踩著雪鞋,遠離人群,享受寧靜的白色世外桃源。那又是一種不一樣的感動。

Mosquito Lake 蚊子湖

Mosquito Lake 蚊子湖
Don't let the name fool you. It's a beautiful lake and not a single mosquito in sight. Ping totally bliss out there! It pays to just "Go Take a Look".

The Art of Translation 翻譯的藝術

The original meaning of Yosemite, I believe, is something like "Those Who Kill". Whoever translated Yosemite into Chinese did a fantastic job. What it means is Exceptionally Heavenly Beautiful Land.  I think the Universe is happy with the Chinese version.

在加州的優聖美地國家公園的名字取自當地原住民印第安族對當地的稱呼。當初翻譯成中文的高人作了個很棒的決定 - 取音譯而非意譯,而且是很高桿的音譯。如果用原意來翻的話可能會變成“殺戮者”。太煞風景了吧!

Taroko Gorge 太魯閣

Taroko Gorge is popular all year round. Like many famous national parks, one only has to be willing to walk a little way in to have the whole park to oneself. The reward is worth every step.


Window 窗的聯想

I looked up and there it was - simple, elegant and inviting. My imagination took off. How delightful!

Unlikely Pair 楓與竹

Maple leaves and bamboo. A delightful little corner from one of our “backyard" hikes in our neighborhood hill (大屯山)in Beitou (北投)。

綠業 Green Leaves

In the continuous flow of blessing our heart finds meaning and rest. - David Steindl-Rast

Wild Daisier 路旁的野花

 On our first trip to the famous lake, we drove by this hill filled with wild daisies. Why hurrying to the lake? We stopped and fully enjoyed this wonderful moment. 在第一次前往聞名的太浩湖途中我們看到了路旁此景。這麼美的無名小山坡豈能錯過?停下車來好好享受一番。太浩湖會等著我們的。

Friendship 友情

We can't plan ahead who will show up in our lives and when. Life brings us delightful moments when we learn to cherish each encounter.This picture was taken with my new friend Juliane in Xinjiang, China.  惜緣的人生,便是美美的人生。(與則陵攝於新疆昭蘇的金花瀑布)

Different Views 相容

Holding different views and being in harmony at the same time. If camels can, so can we.

Welcome to "Let's Go Take A Look's" Photos 歡迎

We've been blessed with so many wonderful sights over the years. This is one place where we'll post pictures that we've taken. For an "album-oriented view," you can also go to Let's Go Take A Look on Facebook.
Zion National Park in Utah is one of our favorite places on the planet. The light is amazing, and you can walk on sandstone for hours and hours, leaving no trace as you explore hidden treasures. All the while, you're surrounded by such majesty and grandeur. It's truly breathtaking--or, as Ping has put it: "breath giving." Indeed. On breathes freely here.

What's one of your favorite places? What makes it special to you?